Yandex SpeechKit Terms of Use

This document is a translation of Yandex SpeechKit Terms of Use in English. In case of conflict between the Russian version of Yandex SpeechKit Terms of Use and this translation - only the Russian version of Yandex SpeechKit Terms of Use is legally binding. The Russian version of Yandex SpeechKit Terms of Use can be found here:

YANDEX Limited Liability Company (hereinafter – Yandex) offers Internet users (hereinafter – the User) to use the Yandex SpeechKit service on the terms set forth herein (hereinafter – the Terms).

1. General Terms

1.1. Terms and definitions

"Service" – Yandex SpeechKit service, which is a programming interface designed for speech recognition.

"API key" – a unique identifier issued to the User producing access the functions of the Service in a mobile application.

"Data" – information received from the Service, designed to be provided to the Users, including but not limited to the results of speech recognition, user data.

1.2. The User’s use of the Service is subject to these Terms, as well as:

1.3. By starting to use the Service or its individual functions, including by obtaining the API key, having registered with the Service, placing the Service code in a mobile application, or using any other functionality provided by the Service, the User shall accepts these Terms, as well as the terms of all the documents specified in Clause 1.2. hereof, in full, without any limitations and exceptions, and shall adhere to them. The otherwise use of the Service except as subject to the specified documents shall only be possible with the prior written consent of Yandex. In case of disagreement of the User with any of the terms of the specified documents, the User shall not use the Service.

1.4. The User shall be solely responsible for its compliance with the Legislation when using the Service. Unless otherwise specified, the term Legislation used elsewhere in these Terms shall mean any applicable legislation, including both the legislation of the Russian Federation and the legislation of the User’s place of location or the places of commission by the User of legal actions in accordance with these Terms. If the User’s use of any opportunity provided for by the Service violates the Legislation, the User shall refrain from the use of the Service.

1.5. These Terms and the relationship between Yandex and the User arising from the use of the Service shall be subject to the law of the Russian Federation.

2. Terms of Service Use

2.1. To access the Service, you shall e-mail to: (the e-mail shall contain the name of a mobile application, the description of how you are going to use the Service, and what the approximate amount of requests per day is expected. Please specify SpeechKit request for an API key as the subject) and obtain the API key. Yandex shall have the right to deny access to the Service for any reason. The User shall not use any programs, devices or other means producing the API key automatically or otherwise in violation of the procedure established by Yandex.

2.2. The User shall have the right to use the Service only in mobile applications unless otherwise agreed in a separate agreement between the User and Yandex.

2.3. The User shall have the right to use the data and options obtained by using the Service only as a part of the functionality provided by the Service.

2.4. When using the Service, the User shall place in the description of the mobile application, in the relevant section and at the official website of the mobile application an obligatory reference to the fact that its operation utilizes the data obtained through the Yandex SpeechKit service and the Yandex logo. When using the Service, the User shall not remove, hide or modify any information, trademarks, logos, links or other references to other persons contained in the Service or obtained through the Service, as well as any other notices and/or information transmitted by the Service.

2.5. When using the Service, the User shall have the right to use its own graphical user interface (GUI) with the obligatory indication of the Yandex logo in such interface.

2.6. Yandex shall reserve the right to impose any limits or restrictions on the use of the Service and shall modify them at its sole discretion, without prior notice to the Users.

2.7. Speech recognition. The speech recognition option shall be used only for mobile applications using the Service. The access to the voice recognition service shall be obtained only through the unique API key issued by Yandex. The number of requests to the voice recognition option shall be limited to 10,000 requests for one API key per day. If the maximum number of requests to the voice recognition option needs to be increased, the User shall have the right to refer a relevant enquiry to the e-mail address The maximum number of requests to the voice recognition option may be increased at the discretion of Yandex.

2.8. The User shall not change, decompile, and/or in any way modify the code obtained through the Service.

2.9. The User shall not use the Service to create online services, computer software, mobile applications, in order to conduct research and/or create speech recognition technologies, and otherwise use the Service if such use entails a violation of the Legislation, the documents specified in Clause 1.2 of the Terms and/or the rights and legitimate interests of third parties.

2.10. The User hereby acknowledges and agrees that Yandex shall have the right to receive anonymous (without reference to the User) statistical information about the use of the Service and technical information on the User’s device, in particular, information on the model, manufacturer and the operating system of the device, information about the User’s location. Such information shall be processed by Yandex in accordance with the Privacy Policy rules.

2.11. Yandex shall reserve the right to modify, improve or update the Service at any time without prior notice to the User. With the release of the next stable version, Yandex shall announce the release at web pages of the Service. After the release of the new version of the Service, Yandex shall not guarantee the stability and duration of its older versions. The User, who does not agree to use the updated version of the Service, may either continue using the outdated version of the Service at its own risk, or stop using the Service by removing the appropriate code from User’s website(s).

2.12. Yandex shall have the right, at its sole discretion, to terminate or suspend the User’s access to the Service without notice and without giving reasons, in particular, in the event of a violation by the User of these Terms.

3. Intellectual Property Rights

3.1. The exclusive right to the Service shall be owned by Yandex. Exclusive rights to the Data shall be owned by Yandex or other copyright holders. These Terms shall not give the User any rights to use the Service or the Data in addition to the opportunities available directly in the interface of the Service, in accordance with these Terms.

3.2. By using the Service, the User shall provide Yandex with the right to use the logo, trademark and/or trade name of the User and/or User’s website for informational, promotional and marketing purposes without obtaining further consent of the User and without payment of any remuneration for such use.

4. Denial of Responsibility

4.1. The Service (including the Data) shall be provided by Yandex as is. Yandex shall not guarantee the compliance of the Service and the Data with User’s expectations and goals, uninterrupted and error-free operation of the Service as a whole and its individual components and/or features, and shall not guarantee the reliability, accuracy, completeness, or timeliness of the Data. Yandex shall not guarantee uninterrupted and error-free operation of third-party software products and solutions (including libraries) recommended while using the Service in specifications and other documentation related to its use.

4.2. The User itself shall be fully responsible for the use and safety of its API key. The User shall have no right to receive the API key for third parties, transfer or assign it to a third party. Yandex shall not be responsible for any unauthorized use of the API key by third parties. All of the actions performed on the Service using the API key owned by the User shall be considered as performed by the User.

5. Conclusive Provisions

5.1. Yandex shall the right to cancel or suspend the User’s access to the Service or its individual options accessed through its account and/or the API key without notice and at its sole discretion, without giving any reason, including, in case of violation by the User of these Terms.

5.2. All the questions and claims related to the use/inability to use the Service shall be sent by e-mail:

5.3. Yandex shall have the right to change the text of these Terms at any time, without any notice. The current version of these Terms shall be available at: The new version of the Terms shall become effective upon its posting on the Internet at the address specified in this paragraph. The continued use of the Service after the change shall be considered the acceptance of the Terms of the new version. The User shall stop using the Service, if Yandex makes any changes to these Terms, to which the User does not agree.

Date: 22.11.2013

Previous version of the document: